by Great Moving (Kevin) | Nov 3, 2020 | General, Moving Tips, Neighborhood Spotlights
Thinking about relocating to Long Island, NY? You’re not the only one! Every year thousands of people move to Long Island to enjoy the nature, arts, and entertainment within its four counties. You can experience beautiful beaches, charming villages, hiking trails, and...
by Great Moving (Kevin) | Oct 14, 2020 | Moving Tips
You probably have a huge to-do list to make your move into a new apartment as seamless as possible. While getting organized pre-move and figuring out things like whether you’ll be using movers (hint, if you’re moving within NYC and looking for movers, Brooklyn has...
by Great Moving (Kevin) | Jul 29, 2020 | Moving Tips
Even before New York City started re-opening, people were still moving out of their apartments to find new ones. Life in Manhattan has always been difficult and expensive, so it’s no surprise that around 2,600 people left New York City every week. With many leases...
by Great Moving (Kevin) | Feb 5, 2020 | How To, Moving Tips
New York is one of the best cities in the world, with better entertainment, better food, and better lifestyle. However, you need to be prepare for whats coming your way. In this regard, I have fetched and compiled some points based on the most important aspects that...
by Great Moving (Kevin) | Oct 15, 2019 | Moving Tips
So you’ve finally found your forever home and now it’s all about moving from your old digs to your new one. Boxing all of your items is tedious, but it’s relatively easy and you can stack everything in your apartment. But what about all your furniture? Before you...
by Great Moving (Kevin) | Oct 8, 2019 | Moving Tips
Whether you’re a family person or a young adult living on your own, changing your residence can be one of the most stressful things you can come across. Once you get settled in a particular city, you get accustomed to an individual lifestyle and means of travel. You...